Teamsters Local 346 Savings & 401(k) Plan Serving Our Growing Membership Since 1969
Teamsters Local 346 Fringe Funds Serving Our Growing Membership Since 1969
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Contributions to the Teamsters Local 346 Savings & 401(k) Plan are the product of collective bargaining between signatory employers and Teamsters Local 346. The Plan is jointly administered by a Board of Trustees, with labor and management equally represented, which meets at least quarterly to review all aspects of the Plan. The Board of Trustees are committed to providing you with the tools and information you need to access the benefits offered to you. Saving for a financially secure retirement requires important decisions and we want to make sure you can get all of the information you need to manage your individual account. Sincerely, Board of Trustees Teamsters Local 346 Savings & 401(k) Plan
If you have questions about the Plan, please call or write the Fund office at: Teamsters Local 346 Savings & 401(k) Plan, 2002 London Road, Suite 300, Duluth, MN 55812 401(k) Fund: (218) 727-4231 toll free (800) 570-1012 Email: [email protected]
...apply for a withdrawal from my Savings/401(k) Plan?
...change my investment election?
...change my investment contribution?
Change of Address Form Complete this form to change or correct your address.
Change of Name Form Complete this form to change or correct your name.
Beneficiary Designation Form To designate a beneficiary for your account, you must fill out this form and return it to the Fund Office.
Contribution and Investment Election Form To change your investment contribution or election, complete a Contribution and Investment Election Form and mail to the Fund Office.
Distribution Application To apply for a withdrawal, you will need to complete a Distribution Application. Please complete the form and mail it along with any noted documentation to the Fund Office.
Hardship Distribution Application To apply for a hardship withdrawal, you will need to complete a Hardship Distribution Application. Please complete the form and mail along with any noted documentation to the Fund Office.